
Kurşat Rahmi Serin1, Zubeyr Ucuncu2, M. Kemal Temel3, Suleyman Bademler4, Hilal Oguz Soydinç5, Hasan Karanlık4, Senem Karabulut6, *


1Department of Surgery, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University, 34093 Istanbul, Turkey - 2Health Sciences Institute, Istanbul Gelişim University, 34310 Istanbul, Turkey - 3Department of Medical History and Ethics, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University, 34093 Istanbul, Turkey - 4Department of Surgery, Institute of Oncology, Istanbul University, 34093 Istanbul, Turkey - 5Department of Basic Oncology, Institute of Oncology, Istanbul University, 34093 Istanbul, Turkey - 6Department of Basic Oncology, Institute of Oncology, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey


Background: To discuss the diagnostic and prognostic potential of tensin-2 (TNS2) levels in patients with breast cancer (BC). 

Methods: The study included sixty patients with BC and twenty healthy female controls for a comparative investigation of TNS2 protein and gene expression levels.. 

Results: Compared to the healthy controls, we found that the patient group showed a statistically significantly lower mean level of TNS2 protein (p<0.001) and higher mean level of TNS2 gene expression (p=0.015). Secondly, we examined the clinical utility of TNS2 levels as an indicator of invasiveness and aggressiveness in BC by comparing patient TNS2 levels by stage and grade. Although the measured mean values differed between the patients subgrouped by tumor biology, grade, and stage, we found that the differences were not statistically significant. 

Conclusion: Our findings suggest that TNS2 levels can be utilized diagnostically and prognostically, and that there is a need for further studies with larger he mean values measured differed between the patient subgroups based on tumor elucidate the clinical value of TNS2 protein and gene expression levels as an early prognosticator of aggressiveness in BC and thus a useful criterion in treatment optimization.


Breast cancer, novel biomarkers, tensins, TNS.

